Water Supply And Sanitation For Rural And Low-income Urban Communities

Water Supply And Sanitation For Rural And Low-income Urban Communities

Language: English

Publication Year: 2007

ISBN 10: 9843109368

This textbook has been developed with proper balance of ‘software’ i.e., socio-cultural and economic aspects and ‘hardware’ i.e., technical aspects, and with special attention to gender issue, including experiences in Bangladesh. It deals with water supply and sanitation appropriate for rural and low-income urban communities in Bangladesh and consists of three parts. The first part deals with the key elements needed for sustainable water supply and sanitation and the related software aspects like institutional and financial aspects, the user community, gender awareness, health, hygiene etc. The second part deals with technical aspects of environmental sanitation like waste management, wastewater collection, transportation, treatment, stormwater and sullage drainage etc. The third part of the content deals with water supply aspects contained with sources of water, water quantity and quality, treatment, water transmission and distribution and low-cost water supply technologies. The book has been developed for students studying water supply and sanitation and their teachers at technical institutions in Bangladesh. It is also meant for professionals already working in the sector, who can use the textbook for reference.


 First Edition: June, 2000
 Second Edition: June, 2003
 Third Edition: June, 2007
 Price: 500 Tk. or 25$


Sanitation, Water Supply, Water Supply And Sanitation, Rural And Low-income, Urban



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