Water Safety Plan (‎wsp)‎: A Risk Based Approach For Water Safety

Water Safety Plan (‎wsp)‎: A Risk Based Approach For Water Safety

Language: English

Publication Year: 2014

Document Type: PDF

ISBN 13: 9789843380951

In Bangladesh, the water supply sector is primarily run by the graduates from technical and engineering institutions. Thus, mainstreaming of WSPs in the sector would depend to a large extent on the knowledge and technical know-how of these technical/ engineering graduates. The concept of “Water Safety Plans” is relatively new, and has not been incorporated in the curriculum of technical and engineering educational institutions. At the same time, new lessons have been learnt from the implementation of WSPs in Bangladesh over the past years. Therefore, it is very important to introduce the concept and practice of WSPs in the curriculum of engineering and technical education.

This book on WSP is an outcome of the initiative of WHO-Bangladesh and ITN-BUET in mainstreaming the WSPs in the water supply sector of the country. This book will help develop a strong knowledge-base of undergraduate level technical/engineering students on WSP, and enable them to better prepare themselves in facing the challenges in the water supply sector of the country. It has been developed such that it fits into and supplement, the existing course curricula on water supply and sanitation at different technical/engineering institutions.

The WSP book has been developed through extensive consultation with faculty members currently involved in teaching and research on water supply and sanitation, and the WASH professionals in the field. Sincere acknowledgement to all who contributed in the development of this document.

Focus Area



Water Safety Plan, Water Safety




Copyright © 2014, by World Health Organization. All rights reserved. Printed in Bangladesh. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written pe

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