Publisher(s): ITN-BUET
Category(s): Research
Series Name: ITN Research Series 09
Language: English
Publication Year: 2010
ITN-BUET conducted a research on the social aspect of solid waste management titled ‘Waste Pickers’ Livelihoods, their Vulnerability and Possible Measures to Overcome the Existing Condition’ during 2008-09, an area which received very little attention previously for research within the domain of solid waste management. The publication is the outcome of this study.
The publication provides an overview on the risks associated with the livelihood of waste pickers and possible ways to minimize the vulnerabilities. It includes their socio-economic condition, working environment and access to basic services. The study reveals that, despite the significant contribution of the waste pickers in the solid waste management system, their service is not recognized. This marginalized group is deprived of the basic human needs and leads a miserable life where the magnitude of risks and vulnerabilities are very high. The report emphasized on the importance of immediate attention of the policy makers to improve the livelihood condition of the waste pickers.
Waste Picker, Livelihood, Vulnerability, Possible Measures
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