Specialized Training Course on Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) Participant’s Guide

Publisher(s): ITN-BUET

Specialized Training Course on Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) Participant’s Guide

Category(s): Training Manual

Language: English

Publication Year: 2024

Document Type: PDF

ITN-BUET initiated a “Specialized Training on Faecal Sludge Management in Cities: An Element of Citywide Inclusive Sanitation” targeting the engineers and officials from Paurashavas and relevant government implementing agencies. In the meantime, the global concept on CWIS took a constructive shape, and became ready for dissemination to the local level sanitation implementers. Hence, ITN-BUET took the lead towards developing a comprehensive training module on CWIS. As the part of this process, ITN-BUET has developed an ‘Training Module on CWIS’. The target audiences for this module are as follows:
Primary Target Audiences
• Senior level officials as well as relevant personnel of the Paurashavas and City Corporations
• City level representative/focal point of the project implementing agencies or sector partners
Secondary Target Audiences
• National level policy and decision-making personnel on sanitation sector (e.g., relevant officials from the concerned Ministries and Planning Commission)
• Officials of the sanitation project implementing agencies from the government and non- governmental sector partners; and
• Researchers, academia, sector professionals/consultants.
Followings are the outcomes of the Training:
• The participants will be able to differentiate their current sanitation practices in comparison to an ideal situation.
• The participants will be able to identify the gaps in the system of their cities in relation to the principles and frameworks of CWIS
• As the next course of actions, the participants are expected to commit few sanitation action items with tentative timelines to implement CWIS at their own cities and attain SDG 6.2 by 2030.

Focus Area



Specialized Training Course, Citywide Inclusive Sanitation, CWIS, SDG 6.2, City Corporations




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