Septic Tank Construction for Masons

Publisher(s): ITN-BUET, ENPHO

Septic Tank Construction for Masons

Category(s): Training Manual

Language: English

Publication Year: 2022

Document Type: pdf

The training manual serves as a comprehensive guide designed to facilitate hands-on orientation for septic tank construction, with a focus on imparting essential knowledge and skills to masons in Nepal. Developed through a synthesis of international resources and the practical expertise of the Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO), this manual employs participatory methods to create an engaging learning environment. It encompasses both theoretical and practical components, emphasizing adult learning styles through open discussions, demonstrations, small group interactions, and hands-on practice. The training's core objective is to enhance participants' understanding of septic tank construction procedures, thereby contributing to improved construction quality and environmental hygiene in the region. Additionally, the manual recognizes and addresses potential barriers such as low literacy levels and language diversity, advocating for inclusive learning methodologies to ensure effective knowledge transfer to all participants.


Septic Tank, Construction




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