Report On Awareness Raising Campaign Strategy and Design of BCC-IEC Material on FSM

Publisher(s): ITN-BUET

Report On Awareness Raising Campaign Strategy and Design of BCC-IEC Material on FSM

Category(s): Reports

Language: English

Publication Year: 2020

Document Type: PDF

Total Pages: 16

ITN-BUET, a center for water supply and waste management of the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology has published a term of reference aiming to appoint consultant/s to prepare an awareness-raising campaign plan on fecal sludge management (FSM) to be used in and by the municipalities of Bangladesh. Apart from the campaign plan, implementation strategy and the required awareness-raising materials (template) are the deliverables of the assignment. The basic concepts of the awareness-raising campaign plan with required tools and techniques have been developed considering the reality of the municipalities. It is to be noted that during the conduction of the assignment, the consultant has learned more on FSM and related approaches, the local government institutes (LGIs) and respective stakeholders. This has compelled the consultant to further improve many of the “thoughts” and “schemes” proposed during the submission of the proposal. The final output is based on the proposed method and new observation by the consultant.

Focus Area

FSM, Sanitation


Awareness Raising Campaign, BCC-IEC Material, FSM




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