Performance Assessment of FSM Services in Faridpur, Lakshmipur and Sakhipur Municipalities

Publisher(s): ITN-BUET

Performance Assessment of FSM Services in Faridpur, Lakshmipur and Sakhipur Municipalities

Author(s): Maharam Dakua

Category(s): Research

Language: English

Publication Year: 2021

Document Type: PDF

ISBN 13: 9789843501813

The study primarily focused on the assessment of the performance of FSM services in the three Municipalities based on available data/information where the specific objectives were broken down into several points that include assessment of FSM coverage, analysis of the containment systems, assessment of emptying and transportation service, analysis of treatment performance and re-use of end products, identifying the institutional arrangements and management systems, financial analysis of FSM service, and stakeholder engagement in FSM service delivery mechanism. A mixed methodology including both quantitative and qualitative tools was used to collect data/information from different stakeholders at the local and national levels. Focus Groups Discussions (FGD), Key Informant Interviews & In-Depth Interviews were conducted to collect information from the service providers and different stakeholders. Also, a household questionnaire survey and physical inspections for the rapid technical assessment of sanitation facilities were done at the household level. GIS was used to assess road accessibility in three Municipalities for the FS collection and transportation service. Relevant documents including project reports, water quality test results, co-compost test results, and the other available databases were collected from the Municipalities and reviewed. The assessment of FSM services in the Municipalities has been done through analyzing the collected data, triangulating the information from different sources and finally validating the findings. A summary of the findings for the Municipalities are presented in this section.



Focus Area



FSM,FSM Services




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