Occupational Health and Safety Manual for Fecal Sludge Emptying, Transportation and Disposal Services

Publisher(s): ENPHO

Occupational Health and Safety Manual for Fecal Sludge Emptying, Transportation and Disposal Services

Category(s): Training Manual

Language: English

Publication Year: 2023

Document Type: pdf

According to International Labor Organization (ILO), Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is defined as the means to prevent work related injuries and disease to protect and promote the health of workers which will ultimately improve the working conditions and environment. Around the world, more than 2 million people die every year due to unsafe working environment, work- related diseases and injuries. These incidences are even more prevalent in low middle countries. Consequently, work-related health problems result in an economic loss of 4 to 6% of GDP for most countries (Word Health Organization, WHO). WHO research also shows that in many countries more than half of the workers are employed in the informal sector. Due to lack of regulatory enforcement of occupational health and safety standards, these informal workers are deprived of social and health care protection. Likewise, about 70% of workers do not have any kind of insurance to compensate them in case of any occupational diseases and injuries.


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Occupational Health and Safety, Fecal Sludge Emptying, Transportation and Disposal Services




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