Facing the Challenges of Climate Change: Issues, Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Bangladesh with focus on Water and Waste Management

Facing the Challenges of Climate Change: Issues, Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Bangladesh with focus on Water and Waste Management

Language: English

Publication Year: 2009

Changing climate is the greatest challenge humanity is facing today. All the achievements of human beings are overshadowed by the ominous outlook envisaged by the consequences of climate change in the form of increase in global temperature, melting of glacier, rise of extreme events like cyclone and flood, aggravated desertification and erosion as well as irreversible changes in ecosystems and loss of biodiversity.

Despite of the fact that developing countries are contributing the least to increase global warming and trigger climate change, they are the one who would be most severely affected. A large portion of the low lying areas of Bangladesh may be submerged permanently due to sea-level rise. Increase in the frequency and intensity of super cyclones is feared along the coast line of Bangladesh in the coming days. Sundarban, the biggest mangrove forest of the World, is under the threat of extinction due to the increase in salinity of the soil.

Climate change will affect all sectors of development in adverse way. Among the sectors, water supply and sanitation is feared to be one of the most severely affected sector. Glacier melt in the Himalayas is projected to increase flooding and rock avalanches, and affect water resources within the next two to three decades. It is predicted that less fresh water will be available due to both climate change and population growth. Saline water intrusion in the coastal region of Bangladesh has already jeopardized the fragile water supply system of the country. As citizen of one of the most affected countries, we need to develop our capacity to identify the possible risks of climate change and undertake adaptation strategies to overcome the adverse impacts.

To address the burning issues, ITN-BUET in association with the Department of Civil Engineering, BUET has introduced a Training Course on “Facing the Challenges of Climate Change: Issues, Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Bangladesh with focus on Water and Waste Management” for the people who are concerned about the threats and challenges posed by Climate Change. This book is a compilation of most of the articles covered in the Training Course. The editors hope that the book will contribute in understanding the issues and adverse impact of climate change particularly in WatSan sector along with mitigation and adaptation strategies for sustainable development.

Focus Area



Climate Change, Issues, Impacts, Adaptation, Water and Waste Management




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