Engineering Field Testing of Non-sewered Sanitation Systems

Publisher(s): IWA

Engineering Field Testing of  Non-sewered Sanitation Systems

Language: English

Publication Year: 2025

Document Type: PDF

ISBN 13: 9781789064971

Non-sewered sanitation systems (NSSS) treat human waste where it is generated, eliminating the need to transport it through sewers. They offer exciting opportunities for safely managed sanitation across the globe.

Informed by the extensive experience of teams working in India, South Africa and Thailand, this book is intended as a practical resource to assist in the field testing of NSSS. It is a complex task to assess newly designed, sophisticated systems outside of the laboratory, in an environment that feels natural to users.

From site selection to decommissioning, we share our insights gained from managing activities and tackling common engineering challenges to help the success of future practitioners.

“When dealing with disruptive innovative technologies whose uptake is significantly impacted by human behavior and acceptance, the importance of engineering field testing cannot be overestimated. The experience and knowledge gained through field testing catalyzes improvements for product development towards a near fail-proof solution.” Jay Bhagwan, Water Research Commission

“A must-read for professionals, researchers, practitioners and policymakers committed to advancing sanitation practices and implementing lessons learned in NSSS technologies. This comprehensive tome distills invaluable insights, illuminating the path forward for a cleaner, healthier future worldwide.” Mei Yee Chan, TÜV SÜD

“The technology testing itself is often more straightforward than the community engagement, stakeholder management, and logistics involved in field testing. Don't underestimate and don't assume that each location will be the same. If this is your first time doing field testing, be sure to read this beforehand.” Jennifer Williams, FSMA


Engineering Field Testing, Non-sewered Sanitation Systems


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