Effectiveness of Alum in Removing Arsenic from Groundwater

Publisher(s): ITN-BUET

Effectiveness of Alum in Removing Arsenic from Groundwater

Author(s): Md. Abdul Jalil

Category(s): Research

Series Name: ITN Research Series 07

Language: English

Publication Year: 2007

Contamination of groundwater with arsenic is considered as a major challenge in the water supply sector of Bangladesh. ITN-BUET has conducted a number of researches on arsenic issue. In continuation of ITN-BUET initiatives, a research on “Effectiveness of Alum in Removing Arsenic” was conducted by ITN-BUET during 2001 to 2002. This publication is the outcome of this initiative.

Promotion of technologies for removing arsenic is one of the important policies of Government for providing safe drinking water. The focus of the present study was on removal of arsenic from groundwater by alum based arsenic removal unit. Apart from the status of arsenic in the environment the report gives an overview of the different arsenic removal techniques. Finally, detail effect of source water composition on arsenic removal by alum, followed by field testing of alum based household arsenic removal unit have been delineated in the report.


Alum, Arsenic, Groundwater




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