Coping with Arsenicosis: Socio-economic and Gender Response to Arsenic Contamination of Ground Water in Bangladesh

Publisher(s): ITN-BUET

Coping with Arsenicosis: Socio-economic and Gender Response to Arsenic Contamination of Ground Water in Bangladesh

Author(s): Mahbuba Nasreen

Category(s): Research

Series Name: ITN Research Series 13

Language: English

Publication Year: 2011

Arsenic contamination in Bangladesh is regarded as one of the largest mass poisoning in the world. Many research works are undertaken to identify the cause of such contamination and find out suitable technologies to remove arsenic from groundwater. But the social issues relating to diseases caused by arsenic could not draw much attention. The sufferings of the Individuals, specially women, in the socio-economic condition of Bangladesh demand research work on the issue. In this context, ITN-BUET undertook this research work on “Coping with Arsenicosis: Socio-economic and Gender Response to Arsenic Contamination of Ground Water in Bangladesh”. This publication is the outcome of that initiative. It is expected that this publication of ITN-BUET will be an important reference for research and development activities of the government, non-government organizations, Development Partners and other agencies working in the WSS sector especially on arsenic issue. In addition, this publication will also be useful to the scientists, researchers and sector professionals to undertake further research to enrich the knowledge base in this particular area.

Focus Area

Gender & Social Inclusion


Socio-economic, Gender Response, Arsenic, Contamination, Ground Water




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