Publisher(s): IWA
Category(s): Research
Language: English
Publication Year: 2025
Document Type: PDF
The purpose of this discussion paper is to build momen tum and to move from ideas to action on climate resilient sanitation. The paper draws on discussions held at the IWA Development Congress Kigali Workshop on Climate Resilience and Urban Sanitation (December 2023) and the Global South Academic Conclave on Climate and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and climate linkages held at CEPT University (February 2024). The paper was developed by lead facilitators and organisers of these two events as a collaborative effort, including with the IWA Inclusive Urban Sanitation Initiative and the Climate Resilient Sanitation Coalition. The paper focuses primarily on strategies currently being adopted to support adaptation to climate change impacts on sanitation, including laying out potential for maladapta t ion that can arise through non-action to address climate impacts, or through unintentional consequences of adap tation actions.
For each of the following topics, the paper provides insight on adaptation measures, maladaptations and short- and long-term priorities:
1. Institutions, policy and planning for climate resilient urban sanitation
2. Financing for climate resilient urban sanitation
3. Climate resilient urban sanitation infrastructure and service provision
4. Integration of climate resilient sanitation within the urban water cycle
5. User engagement and inclusive climate resilient urban sanitation services
6. Addressing health risks while improving climate resilient urban sanitation services
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Climate Change & DRR
Climate Resilient Urban Sanitation, Ideas, Action
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
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