Climate Change Pattern in Bangladesh and Impact on Water Cycle

Climate Change Pattern in Bangladesh and Impact on Water Cycle

Language: English

Publication Year: 2011

Document Type: PDF

ISBN 13: 9789843343574

Bangladesh happens to be in a geographic zone where the impact of climate change is severe. Population density in this part of the world is very dense. Thus impact of climate change – even if it happens for a small zone, impacts a huge number of population. Adaptation to this changing climate is a national issue. The similar issues are being in the table of discussion of the decision makers at the national and international level. In making proper policy for climate change adaptation there is a huge need of the local information and local knowledge. Unfortunately, the accumulation of such knowledge is really scarce about this part of the world. This book makes an effort in accumulating local data which are the key issues for preparing the National policy at the very micro level. The technical analysis is relevant to the local issues and the local needs. The issue of impact of climate on water happens to be the prime target of the book. Water on the other hand happens to be a resource that governs the livelihood of most of the people, especially those whose livelihood are dependent on agriculture, fisheries etc. Flood is a major water related disaster in Bangladesh for long. There are quite a number of literature covering floods in Bangladesh. With the changed climate – drought is appearing to be an emerging disaster in this country. This book makes an effort to incorporate the drought and its trend in a scientific manner. Drought and it’s impact on the citizens are going to be key issues in the adaptation policy for this country.


Climate Change, Climate Change Pattern, Water Cycle


All rights reserved by ITN-BUET Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management This book or any part of it cannot be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission of the publisher.

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