Bangladesh Environment 2002

Bangladesh Environment 2002

Language: English

Publication Year: 2002

ISBN 10: 9843204433

It is a collection of selected technical papers that were presented at the second International Conference on Bangladesh Environment and presents a snapshot of Bangladesh environment at the present time, as understood by the experts from all over the world. There have been a few positive changes in the recent years. The move towards unleaded gasoline, banning of polythene bags, phasing out of old and Two Stroke Engine Vehicles (TSEV), and measures against illegal encroachments on the Buriganga river are some of the remarkable achievements. Growing environmental awareness and mobilization of pro-environment forces have made the difference. Yet, much remains to be done. Air and water remain dangerously polluted. Arsenic continues to take a painful human toll. Indiscriminate disposal of industrial effluents, sewage, household and medical wastes poses major hazards. Water logging and shrinking of forests and bio-diversity remain major concerns. Possible global warming and climate change looms on the horizon as serious long-term problems. The papers in these volumes expose the nature of these problems and highlight on some technically feasible solutions.






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