Assessment of Selected Laboratory Facilities to Operate as FSM Laboratory and Strategizing Development and Capacity Enhancement

Publisher(s): ITN-BUET

Assessment of Selected Laboratory Facilities to Operate as FSM Laboratory and Strategizing Development and Capacity Enhancement

Category(s): Reports

Language: English

Publication Year: 2021

Document Type: PDF

This Laboratory Assessment aims to evaluate the capacity of existing laboratories in technical universities (CUET, KUET, RUET, and SUST) across different regions of the country to test the characterizing parameters of fecal sludge and wastewater. The assessment also aims to identify any gaps in their testing capabilities. Additionally, the assessment includes a strategy to support the development of fecal sludge testing laboratories in these technical universities and enhance their capacity through training.

Focus Area

FSM, Sanitation


FSM Laboratory, Strategizing Development, Capacity Enhancement




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