RESOURCE RECOVERY • August 28, 2023 at 11:46 AM

by Sanitation knowledge repo

Fertiliser, soil conditioner, production of crops 104 topics

Interesting about this grant by Indian Institute for Human Settlements with CDD Society as a sub grantee - I will send off some e-mails and hopefully can have it introduced formally on the forum soon.

And thanks for your compliment regarding asking the right questions and putting things back on track - much appreciated! :-)

About "weeding out the literature": No, don't worry, we're not actually weeding it out. The library has several filter functions. For those who don't know: Go here: and then click on the green filter button towards the top right.

Here you can filter the library by technology, by reuse option, by country and by a number of other parameters. You can also use the keyword search which picks up any word that was mentioned in the title or in the summary (or in the keywords field).

The filter by working group is meant to help people orientate themselves which doucments are important for the working group topic, like for working group 5 whose objectives are explained here:

We've decided to limit those working group filters to around 50 documents per working group, as otherwise it's not a good orientation anymore. But using one of the other filters, like country, reuse type, technology etc. one can still find all the others ones, too.

Filtering by Working Group 5 now gives you these results (currently 45):


Dr. Elisabeth von Muench
Independent consultant located in Ulm, Germany
[email protected]
Twitter: @EvMuench
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