RESOURCE PLANING AND MANAGEMENT • November 28, 2023 at 07:26 AM

by Makfie Farah

Data management for safe sanitation in Bangladesh

Hey everyone! I'm excited to kick off this discussion on strengthening public data systems for safely managed sanitation. It's such a crucial aspect of public health and environmental sustainability. What are your thoughts on the current state of public data systems in this area?

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Shanaj Parvin Jonaki

Shanaj Parvin Jonaki • 10 months ago

The current state of these systems often faces challenges like data gaps, inconsistency, and limited accessibility. Improving these aspects can significantly enhance our ability to monitor and address sanitation issues effectively.

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Md Shakhawat Hossain

Md Shakhawat Hossain • 10 months ago

Hey there! Absolutely, focusing on strengthening public data systems for safely managed sanitation is crucial for better public health and environmental sustainability. The data landscape in this realm plays a pivotal role in understanding existing challenges, identifying areas for improvement, and measuring the impact of interventions.

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Tahia Afsah Khan

Tahia Afsah Khan • 10 months ago

Absolutely! I think there's a lot of room for improvement. Reliable data is essential for informed decision-making and effective policy implementation. Are there any specific challenges you think we need to address in enhancing public data systems for sanitation?