General Questions

Sources of the Knowledge products for the Repository will be the following but not limited to
(i)    CB-Hub's own resource
(ii)    Academic Partners' products
(iii)    Development Partners' products
(iv)    I/NGO's materials
(v)    Government Organizations' materials
(vi)    Other relevant online resources

(i)    Anyone will be able to visit and access the knowledge repository site through worldwide web.
(ii)    Registration is needed to access/download special kind of knowledge product.
(iii)    Subscription to get news on latest releases or updates published on the knowledge repository.
(iv)    One can narrow and customize the search results to find exactly what they want.



(i)    Each partner organization will have its own account to upload their publication
(ii)    CB-Hub with upload any documents shared by the partners
(iii)    CB-Hub will upload their own resources
(iv)    Relevant online Knowledge products and information will be linked

(i)    Democratized Knowledge: Democratized knowledge refers to knowledge that is accessible to everyone regardless of their organization or role. Everyone can access the information/ knowledge product, ask questions, make comments, share their ideas and experiences, and find the information they need to do their best work.
(ii)    Reduce Time Spent Searching: Find the information you need faster so you can spend more time doing meaningful work. 
(iii)    Prevent Knowledge Loss: Preserve tacit knowledge and expertise when any person leaves the organization or moves to a new role. Important information is never limited to one person's head or organization's hard drive. 
(iv)    Find Content at the Right Time: Find the content that's most relevant to you through a personalized feed. Follow posts, authors, tags, search terms, and more to ensure you're always up to date.
(v)    Increase Content Confidence: Avoid the confusion caused by outdated or competing versions of documents. Use curation tools to identify duplicate content, schedule content reviews, and flag posts for review.

There are two types of Collaborators/Partners: Organizational and Individual.

Organizational Collaborator
Not yet a collaborator or partner? You can show your organization's support for the Sanitation Knowledge Repository's vision and engage in knowledge sharing by becoming an organizational collaborator. As a collaborator or partner, you will have the opportunity to actively contribute to our mission of promoting sanitation knowledge. This may involve sharing valuable insights, research, or resources related to sanitation and hygiene.
To apply for organizational collaboration, please visit the following link: Collaborator Application

Individual Collaborator
Want to share your own personal research and publications? Register as an individual member of the Sanitation Knowledge Repository to upload and share your research and publications.
To apply for individual collaboration, please visit the following link: Individual Collaborator Registration."

Becoming a registered member is easy! Just follow these simple steps:
1.    Visit our Registration Page: Go to the registration page by clicking on the following link: Register Now.
2.    Complete the Registration Form: Fill out the required information, which typically includes your name, email address, and a password.
3.    Verify Your Email: After completing the registration form, you will receive an email with a verification link. Click on the link to verify your email address. This step is essential to activate your account.
4.    Log In: Once your email is verified, return to the Sanitation Knowledge Repository website and log in using the email and password you provided during registration.
5.    Complete Your Profile: After logging in, you may be prompted to complete your user profile. Adding additional details to your profile is optional but can enhance your experience within the community.
That's it! You are now a registered member of the Sanitation Knowledge Repository and can start exploring, contributing, and collaborating with other members. If you have any further questions or encounter any issues during the registration process, please feel free to contact us for assistance.