Saving our Heroes

Published: 05 December, 2022

We already know that faecal sludge is dangerous to human health, manual emptying poses such risks to the emptiers health which is unimaginable and mechanical emptying along with wearing proper safety gear mitigates a high portion of the risks. However, some professional hazard could still exist.

The emptiers of Mymensingh City Corporation area mainly belong to the Horijon Community.  This community through generations has been involved with manual emptying of septic tanks and pit latrines, and they live in a certain part of the city and are often isolated by the society due to their occupation. They come for lower socio-economic background and coupling them with social taboos, them getting proper medical attention is often compromised.

The emptiers would often approach the City Corporation for medical and medicinal support following which the MCC would accordingly respond. Over time MCC gauged the need for medical insurance for the emptiers; through a dialogue with MCC the Project became aware that the MCC was also ready to play an active role in this regard as they want to serve their people. MCC wanted assurance that the emptiers would be objectively supported by the medical insurance companies thus set some criteria to which they wanted us to adhere to.

These multi-sectoral conversations and surveys are a testament of their need for medical insurance and relief in obtaining medical insurance ensured that such initiatives are a step in the direction for their empowerment.

Considering this, the Project after consulting with the emptier groups took the decision that it would be in the best interests of the emptiers if they had medical insurance. Often, Project activities are implemented without taking into consideration the opinion of the beneficiaries, but before designing the medical insurance activities, Focus Group Discussion was held with emptiers and a survey was carried out to understand, verify and record their opinion. After the FGD, it was evident that the people involved with Faecal Sludge emptying would often be worried about the health hazards and how they might not be able to afford expensive treatment. It was also observed that often times they wouldn’t visit hospitals as the staggering bills would be out of their financial abilities.

The emptiers would often approach the City Corporation for medical and medicinal support following which the MCC would accordingly respond. Over time MCC gauged the need for medical insurance for the emptiers; through a dialogue with MCC the Project became aware that the MCC was also ready to play an active role in this regard as they want to serve their people. MCC wanted assurance that the emptiers would be objectively supported by the medical insurance companies thus set some criteria which they wanted us to adhere to.

These multi-sectoral conversations and surveys are a testament of their need for medical insurance and relief in obtaining a medical insurance ensured that such initiatives are a step in the direction for their empowerment.

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